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產(chǎn)品名稱:大量供應(yīng)石油分析儀器 傾點(diǎn)、濁點(diǎn)測定儀



產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):大量供應(yīng)石油分析儀器 傾點(diǎn)、濁點(diǎn)測定儀

大量供應(yīng)石油分析儀器 傾點(diǎn)、濁點(diǎn)測定儀的詳細(xì)資料:

石油分析儀器 傾點(diǎn)、濁點(diǎn)測定儀


石油分析儀器 傾點(diǎn)、濁點(diǎn)測定儀





石油分析儀器 傾點(diǎn)、濁點(diǎn)測定儀


1、工作電源: AC 220V±10%;50Hz。

2、冷槽控溫: ⑴ 冷槽Ⅰ:室溫~-51℃,±1℃,兩浴等溫;

 ⑵ 冷槽Ⅱ:室溫~-70℃,±1℃,兩浴等溫。

3、制冷系統(tǒng): 新型致冷壓縮機(jī)。

4、環(huán)境溫度: ≤30℃ 。

5、相對濕度: ≤85%。

6、功耗:    不大于1500W。


Oil analysis instruments pour point, cloud point analyzer

The instrument is designed and manufactured in accordance with the People's Republic of China Standard GB/T3535 "oil pour point assay and GB/T698 oil Determination of cloud point" under the requirements applicable to the determination of the oil pour point and cloud point index.

, The main technical characteristics

1, the working table consists of stainless steel, a total cold tank Ⅰ the cold grooves II two cold tank, each of the grooves and each of the two cooling bath, the two grooves of each cold cooling bath temperature, can be done pour point, cloud point, testing.

2, using the unique expertise the cold tank without the use of the coolant, the cooling speed, high efficiency. The temperature control device I and the temperature control device II, respectively, to control the temperature of the the cold tank I cold trough II the cold trough II, the lowest temperature can reach -70 ° C, the temperature control accuracy of ± 1 ° C.

3 instruments for desktop structure, the design is simple, easy to use, fully furnished repurchase the instrument to do the pour point and cloud point test.

Second, the main technical parameters and indicators

1 Power supply: AC 220V ± 10%; 50Hz.

2, the cold tank temperature control: ⑴ cold trough I: room temperature ~ -51 ℃ ± 1 ° C, two-bath isothermal;

 ⑵ cold trough II: room temperature ~~ -70 ° C ± 1 ° C, two-bath isothermal.

Refrigeration system: a new refrigeration compressor.

Ambient temperature: ≤ 30 ℃.

5, relative humidity: ≤ 85%.

6, power consumption: not more than 1500W.

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